About last week: 22nd September 2019

After focusing on the service blueprint last week and the props required to support it I returned to the original product offering, starting with a user journey. The service blueprint has indeed proved to be a valuable tool for the team; I'm hoping that the user journey offers the same benefits in terms of planning an prioritisation.

I've been thinking more about how to keep track of what I'm working on (for my own benefit as much as anything else). I remembered a Medium article by Lennon Cheng which seems promising, shared by Today, detailing how to use a Notion database to create a work log. I'm going to start experimenting with this next week.

On Friday, we joined millions of people at climate change rallies around the world at The Domain in Sydney. Despite government disapproval, an estimated 80,000 students and supporters came together, calling for action on climate change.

Over the weekend, I finished reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance for the second time. After listening to a number of Michael Pollan audiobooks recently (How to Change Your Mind, and A Place of My Own, both narrated by the author) I was looking for another, but was disappointed to find Second Nature: A Gardener's Education unavailable in Australia and The Botany of Desire with a different narrator (there's something appealing about an audiobook narrated by the author, and I find Pollan's voice particularly calming).